Laser Skin Rejuvenation,
Intense Pulsed Light & Photofacial

What is


Laser Skin Rejuvenation has evolved so much over the past decade. Now, dramatic results can be achieved in half the time, with remarkably less pain and minimal downtime. At Satin Med Spa, we use the ICON laser system, which uses Optimized Light™ photo-rejuvenation technology to deliver gentle pulses of intense, optimized light to minimize the appearance of:

  • Fine lines & wrinkles
  • Stretch marks
  • Scarring
  • Sun spots
  • Age spots
  • Rosacea
  • Spider veins

The ICON fractional laser system is a breakthrough in skin rejuvenation technology. It uses Optimized Light™ photo-rejuvenation to deliver gentle pulses of intense, optimized light to areas of unwanted pigmentation. Treatment time can be as short as 30 minutes, depending on the area treated. Excellent results can be achieved within one or two treatments, but for best results several treatments may be required. This non-invasive treatment reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles without the pain or cost of invasive surgery!

What is


Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment used to reduce the signs of aging. IPL Skin Rejuvenation can be used to treat sun damage, aging skin, brown spots, broken blood vessels, acne and rosacea. Our patients love IPL treatments, as it treats practically any area on the body and requires zero downtime!  We proudly feature the most state-of-the-art IPL technology, allowing us to customize treatment plans to help with various skin challenges, minimizing and removing such concerns as:

  • Age Spots
  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles
  • Sun Damage
  • Freckles
  • Scars
  • Birthmarks
  • Varicose Veins
  • Spider Veins
  • Broken Blood Vessels
  • Rosacea

How does


Similar to lasers, IPL systems use light energy to target skin abnormalities and discoloration by delivering heat energy. This heat energy creates an intentional superficial injury to the skin, which activates the natural healing process without causing harm to the dermal tissue.

Am I a good candidate


IPL is an effective option for a range of skin types; however, it is always best to consult with an expert medical provider for a proper skin analysis and assessment as these treatments vary for  various skin types and therefore, other options may be better suited in some situations. For the ideal candidates, IPL is a wonderful option for those seeking to improve minor skin irregularities such as redness, rosacea, enlarged pores, sun spots, pesky varicose veins, fine lines and wrinkles.

Is Intense Pulsed Light


No, IPL is not considered to be painful and is generally well-tolerated with maybe some mild discomfort. Most patients compare the sensation of an IPL treatment to that of a warm rubber band being snapped on the skin’s surface… a warm, prickly sensation at most.

What to Expect


Following an in-depth skin analysis and assessment, our highly-trained medical aesthetic experts will explain the process of an IPL treatment and will recommend the best treatment plan to achieve optimal results. Each IPL treatment takes about 30-45 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. Most patients do not require a topical anesthetic; however, we do offer numbing cream for those who find it helpful in tolerating the treatment. The side effects are minimal and are usually comparable to a mild sunburn-like sensation with slight swelling. Most patients return to their regular activities immediately following their treatment without experiencing any downtime.

Our enthusiastic team of medical aesthetic experts are here to support you along your journey toward a more beautiful you! To learn more about laser and IPL treatments at Satin Med Spa, call 704-365-3588 or click on the button below to schedule your complimentary consultation.