
Autologous Point of Care System



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INTRODUCING OSTEO-SPIN™ with Osteo-Spin Technology

OSTEO-SPIN™ technology provides each surgeon an ability to add a multi-level cellular component to each fusion based procedure. OSTEO-SPIN™ patented technology allows for a customizable proprietary blend of activated platelets and bone marrow aspirate, to be centrifuged at 3600 RPM’s. High RPM cycles allow for creation of a proprietary auto/allograft blend that is first in class for handling characteristics and cellular viability. Create a live cellular graft, point of care without the use of toxic Cryo protectants.


  • Ability to create a Graft – Point of Care
  • No Frozen Toxic Cyro Protectants
  • Utilizes patients own cells from a combination of whole autologous blood and bone marrow
  • Platelets are activated with proprietary serum + and resuspended with Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate
  • Surgeon has ability to activate, create and define graft for any void and combine with allo/autograft for unique bone grafting options