If you want a beautiful smile you need to avoid oral issues with professional teeth cleanings. A dental cleaning consists of removing dental plaque and calculus from your teeth. By using specialized instruments to gently remove these deposits we’ll help you prevent cavities, gingivitis, and gum disease. Just brushing your teeth is not enough; keeping…
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Dental Fillings
Also known as dental restoration, a dental filling is a material used to restore missing tooth structure typically caused by caries or external trauma. A filling is a short and quite simple procedure, usually performed in just one visit, which requires dental local anesthetic in most cases. There is a broad range of materials being…
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Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment consists of going where the live tissue and nerve of each tooth is located and removing the infected pulp from it. Dental caries, cracked dental fillings as well as injury to the teeth can cause exposure of the dental pulp, which contaminates and infects it. Without this treatment, this infection can result…
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Dental Crowns and Bridges
Also known as a cap, a Dental Crown is a casing used to cover a damaged tooth that cannot be restored with a filling. Commonly done after a root canal treatment, crowns are meant to strengthen the tooth and protect it against breakage. Dental crowns not only help protect your teeth, they are aesthetically pleasing…
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